The School of Communication offers over 90 courses year round, spread across different disciplines.

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about fall 2023 registration and course delivery.
July 30, 2023
BA – Entertainment and Recording Industry Management
- ID: 150
The Entertainment and the Recording Industry Management (ERM) program offers students a Bachelor Degree in one of most exciting, dynamic and increasing evolving careers, the management of entertainment and recording companies. Participants will learn applicable expertise and techniques required to…
- 记者暗访天通苑:超大型社区防控难度仍较大--北京频道--人民网:2021-3-6 · 纸质出入证很容易伪造。 为阻止翻墙,物业加装了铁丝网。 社区里护栏低矮,难伍彻底封闭管理。 近日,天通苑出现假社区出入证的事件引发市民 ...
BA – Journalism
- ID: 1057
Studying journalism at Texas Southern University is a hands-on task. Our students in print, broadcast and public relations learn by doing from a team of dedicated teachers who combine professional experience with academic rigor. As the digital revolution continues, students must…
- ID: 1058
The Radio, Television and Film program at Texas Southern University engages students in the production and critical studies of radio, television, film and new media. We offer our students a balanced curriculum that provides integrated study and training in the art and business of the electronic media…
BA – Speech Communication
- ID: 1059
In pursuing the BA in Speech Communication, students may select from two different curriculum concentrations: (Intercultural-Interpersonal Communication or Organizational Communication). Students who are first-time degree seekers in either of the Speech Communication concentrations are required to…
MA – Communication
- ID: 1060
The Master of Arts program offers a broad array of courses that examine, analyze and pursue theoretically based research in the field of human communication, ranging from individual to mass models. It also provides the opportunity for the study and analysis of traditional and current communication…